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Friday, 17 June 2011


This is the post for our last leson working on our connections projects.
We weren't able to post it on Thursday due to the amount of work that we had to do, putting our folder together and such.
Katie has completed an amazingly detailed report and we have organised who is saying what in our presentation on Monday (When the project is also completely due).
The movie trailer's final scenes were filmed on Thursday lunchtime and we managed to record voices during our lesson.

Anyway, we're editing the movie together on the weekend and that's all that's left.
So, here ends our final blog for the connections project.
All we can say is...

So long, farewell
Auf Weidersehen, goodbye



Wednesday, 8 June 2011


Today Katie and Sonja organised the filming schedual for our movie trailer. We have FINALLY gotten a camera and have booked a room to film in next week.
Amelia worked on the presentation and quote: "I'm three quarters of the way finished"
Costumes are all organized and so are props.
Dues date's coming closer but we're trying to stay calm.
We are starting to film tomorow and hope to be filmed by the end of Thursday next week (all work is due the following monday).
Wish us luck,

UPDATE 8/6/11

Just a quick update on where we are up to with our Connections.
We have cast who will be in our movie trailer and are getting a camera tomorow. We know where we would like to shoot it but have to get permission from a few people first.
We have Connections class tomorow and will post a blog during/after class when we hopefully get a lot done. It is getting to the business end of the term, and with reports being written soon we are getting a bit more homework, hopefully this won't interfere with our Connections which is due in a little under a fortnight.

Sunday, 5 June 2011


6th June

Today there was an epic game of chess betweenn Katie and Sonja, SONJA WON!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!
Over the weekend me stayed at Katie's and watched a couple of movies and analysed them, we are now nearly finished analysing movies and Katie is begining to write her report. We have mostly cast our trailer but still need to film and edit it.

That's all for now, we are still quite hard at work...

Friday, 3 June 2011

Movie trailers

A few blog posts ago, we mentioned that we had looked at a lot of movie trailers (both of movies we are going to watch and those we aren't.) and used the elements we found in them to plan our own trailer. Well, below are the trailers themselves if you are interested, we chose one or two trailers from many different genred that represented different kinds of challenges found in films.

Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 1

Buffy the Vampire slayer

How to train your dragon

 Lethal weapon 1

 Monty Python's Life of Brian

Singin' in the rain



The Bourne Identity

The Calcium Kid


Shakespeare in love

p.s. Sorry about the funny formatting of this post, we think it has something to do with uploading videos :-/

What is going on.

On Thursday we had another Connections meeting.
We have only two weeks from the coming Monday until our projects are due *panics*, and here is what we've done so far:
  1. Written a script for our creative outcome movie trailer and edited it to our liking. We have also planned the characters and sets/props we need.
  2. We are meeting up this weekend to watch films, completing our challenge analysis sheets.
  3. We are going to use these sheets to write our report, which is going to be a review on the challenges in movies.
  4. We are working out who will say what during our presentations in two weeks.
What we still need to do:
  1. Cast the characters in our movie trailer and film, edit it and put it together.
  2. Write our report/review
  3. Write out some guidelines for what to say in our presentation.
We will continue to post blogs regularly up until the due date of our project.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Movie Trailer analysis

Today we looked at a lot of movie trailers from different genres of film to get an idea of what we could do for our creative outcome trailer piece.
While watching the trailers, we compiled a list of elements that were found in most of them.
They were:
  • Voice over (by characters in the films and/or narrator)
  • Funny scenes/humor and Action scenes/stunts
  • Soundtrack: Sometimes well known songs or simple music.
  • Naming of prominent actors
  • Showed key scenes
  • Suggested at a romance
  • Showed production company and their logo(s)
  • Named release date (either films in cinemas or DVD release date) or said "coming soon"
  • If not out yet, often refers to season of release (eg. "this season")
  • Slogans
  • Websites
  • Copyright information
  • Skipping from scene to scene, giving only a little taste of each one.
  • If it's in 3D, it's mentioned.
  • Title graphics
  • If based on books/other movie/ tv series ect, mentioned.
  • Other movies by producers, actors, directors or writers.
  • Reviews quoted.
  • Musicals mention the songs performed.
  • Screen ends to black (with sometimes a final scene after that)
  • If well known actors, they're mentioned (and any of their credits, eg. academy award winner)
  • If they movie has won/been nominated for awards.
  • OLD MOVIES: Often repeat themselves and give a lot more information about the plot and production.
We also learnt about the green or red bar shown at the start of a lot of trailers, and how if its green it's approved for general audiences and if it's red, it isn't.

Saturday, 28 May 2011

Challenges analysis sheet

As part of our project, we will be watching a LOT of movies (well, like 8) and to go with them we gave created a sheet for the movie watcher to fill in about the film and challenges within it.
As we watch films, we hope to upload our filled in forms on here so we all have access to them.
The sheet is below if you're interested:

Movie Challenge analysis
Person filling in this form ___________________
Name of movie ___________________   Genre­__________
Length __________    Rating ___/10
Challenges in the movie (including what kind of challenges, who they affected and as much detail as possible)
Were these challenges resolved? (If so, how? If not, why not? How did resolving (or not) the challenges affect the characters?)
In your opinion, how effectively were the challenges represented in the film?


Wednesday, 25 May 2011


We worked on refining our presentations and our final outcomes today. We began researching specific movie trailers so that we could research how we are going to make our trailer for our creative outcome. We found one movie trailer for an old film called "The African Queen" but we weren't able to find any others due to the fact that the school security system prevented us from using movie playing formats. This was were we managed to find the trailer: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trailer_(film)

We still need to watch more trailers at home or a computer that supports the correct format. We also need to watch more of the films that we are planning to watch so that we can begin work on our final outcomes and begin to design our movie trailer.

Trailer courtesy of  Youtube.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

1st Entry

This is our first blog entry in this blog which is part of our outcome for our term assignments on Challenge.
Here we will post about how our research and creation of our assignment is going.
So far we have decided to do our project on The Challenges faced in movies.
Quick background:
As part of this assignment we have to create four outcomes:
A Blog Which you are reading now
A Creative outcome we aren't sure what we're doing yet but we're thinking of making our own challenge themed movie trailer
A presentation still in discussion but we think it'll involve movie clips.
A Report Maybe a movie review or a report on what we ahve done.

That's all except below is a photo to show we can put them in blog entries (activity requirement)