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Sunday 29 May 2011

Movie Trailer analysis

Today we looked at a lot of movie trailers from different genres of film to get an idea of what we could do for our creative outcome trailer piece.
While watching the trailers, we compiled a list of elements that were found in most of them.
They were:
  • Voice over (by characters in the films and/or narrator)
  • Funny scenes/humor and Action scenes/stunts
  • Soundtrack: Sometimes well known songs or simple music.
  • Naming of prominent actors
  • Showed key scenes
  • Suggested at a romance
  • Showed production company and their logo(s)
  • Named release date (either films in cinemas or DVD release date) or said "coming soon"
  • If not out yet, often refers to season of release (eg. "this season")
  • Slogans
  • Websites
  • Copyright information
  • Skipping from scene to scene, giving only a little taste of each one.
  • If it's in 3D, it's mentioned.
  • Title graphics
  • If based on books/other movie/ tv series ect, mentioned.
  • Other movies by producers, actors, directors or writers.
  • Reviews quoted.
  • Musicals mention the songs performed.
  • Screen ends to black (with sometimes a final scene after that)
  • If well known actors, they're mentioned (and any of their credits, eg. academy award winner)
  • If they movie has won/been nominated for awards.
  • OLD MOVIES: Often repeat themselves and give a lot more information about the plot and production.
We also learnt about the green or red bar shown at the start of a lot of trailers, and how if its green it's approved for general audiences and if it's red, it isn't.

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