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Friday 3 June 2011

What is going on.

On Thursday we had another Connections meeting.
We have only two weeks from the coming Monday until our projects are due *panics*, and here is what we've done so far:
  1. Written a script for our creative outcome movie trailer and edited it to our liking. We have also planned the characters and sets/props we need.
  2. We are meeting up this weekend to watch films, completing our challenge analysis sheets.
  3. We are going to use these sheets to write our report, which is going to be a review on the challenges in movies.
  4. We are working out who will say what during our presentations in two weeks.
What we still need to do:
  1. Cast the characters in our movie trailer and film, edit it and put it together.
  2. Write our report/review
  3. Write out some guidelines for what to say in our presentation.
We will continue to post blogs regularly up until the due date of our project.

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